Sending Churches

Our philosophy

How do we assist the church?

Reaching & Teaching believes that the local church should drive the work of missions and act as the primary sender of workers (Acts 13:1-3). We come alongside like-minded churches to serve them as they send out long-term workers to make mature disciples, establish healthy churches, and train local leaders around the world.

Any humanly invented organizations that assist in missions must remember that they are the bridesmaids, not the bride.”

Andy Johnson

Sending Churches

What is their role?

We believe a biblically faithful sending church does the following:

1. Exhorts

Exhorts its members to consider the nations and those unreached with the Good News of Jesus Christ and calls people to go. 

2. Equips

Equips the saints for the work of ministry while training elder qualified men and qualified women to serve abroad. 

3. Evaluates

Evaluates members who have a desire and gifting to serve abroad for ministry effectiveness and qualification.  

4. Entrusts

Entrusts their worker to be an ambassador for the sending church while serving abroad and hold them accountable for that work. 

5. Encourages

Encourages their workers on the field by means of regular communication, prayer, and financial support.  

Resources for the Sending Church

Two books every sending church should read:

Andy Johnson's

Missions: How the Local
Church Goes Global

No Shortcut to Success
Matt Rhodes'

No Shortcut to Success:
A Manifesto for Modern Missions