
United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is an Arab Muslim country in the Middle East famous for the twin cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It has an estimated population that is around 89% expatriates. Since the founding of the nation, the UAE has been friendly to the west and to Christianity. There are numerous English-speaking churches that have existed close to 50 years openly proclaiming the gospel here. It is estimated that 13% of the total population is some form of Christian. Al Ruwais, or just Ruwais, is a 30,000 person town 80 miles from Saudi Arabia. The city is famous for its powerplant, refineries, and industrial complex. The most common languages spoken are English, Arabic, Hindi/Urdu, Tagalog, and Tamil/Malayalam. The vision in Al Ruwais is to firmly plant the Evangelical Church of Ruwais (ECR) and reach the city and surrounding areas with the gospel of Jesus Christ. ECR is a plant of the Evangelical Community Church of Abu Dhabi. As of January 2022, ECR is in the first stages of planting in Ruwais, with between 50-100 people attending on a regular basis for worship. With more long-term goals of seeing a church center built in Ruwais for all legal evangelical churches to be able to worship in.


English / Arabic / Hindi



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